RichGaran Online Investor Community

Oastland: review and reviews on (Investment project) – Paying

Investments in Oastland ( official site ) – a high-quality mid-income investment project

The project started on 16.04.2020

Status: Paying

about Oastland
Timbercraft Limited —
Oastland Timbercraft Limited is a modern top-tier enterprise with manufacturing facilities in twenty countries around the world.
We produce a full range of industrial-quality furniture made from environmentally friendly materials.
Oastland Timbercraft Limited is one of the largest companies in Europe, headquartered in Great Britain. At first, we were a small shop, making tailored luxury wooden furniture. Nevertheless, the demand generates supply, so we understood that it was necessary to increase the scale of our production.
The products of our company comprise a comprehensive range of high-quality furniture, accessories, and related services and products.
The decisive and main competitive edge of our Company is the regular market introduction of unique new products with high economic potential, satisfying the demand of modern furniture market.

The project offers 2 investment plans :


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My Contribution – $50